1. 1. The true statement below is
a. Forest which is pull of flora and fauna is the source of germ plasm
b. In situ preservation is exemplified by animal in the zoo
c. Orangutans, tigers, and elephants might be kept by individuals
d. People may enter the region of natural protection
2. 2. One of human efforts for preservation of biodiversity is by storage in clod chambers. The plant organ stored is..
a. Seed
b. Germ plasm
c. Collection garden
d. Botanical garden
3. 3. Below are several kinds of animals
1. Lizard 4. Chicken
2. Komodo dragon 5. Bee
3. Bird of paradise 6. Elephant
The groups of protected animal in Indonesia are numbers
a. 1,2,4
b. 2,3,6
c. 4,5,3
d. 1,5,6
4. The insitu preservation is..
a. LIPI Cibinong
b. Tapirus indicus in Sulawesi
c. Hybares synndactylus in Maluku
d. Marcocephalon in Sumatra
5. The goal of spread beads is show that
a. Breads as organism like animal must different with their environment to survise
b. Beads as organism in experiment must speard
c. Beads can not easy to find predator
d. Beads like animals in a ecosystem have instinct to survise the predator
6. The factors that cause destruction plants and animals are..
a. External and internal factors
b. Tsunami and natural disaster
c. Natural disaster and human factors
d. Environment and human factor
7. Destruction of environment can be prevent by...
a. Fish catching by using explosive and poison
b. Deforestation for nesesscary availability housing
c. Use biology agent to pest control
d. Use more fertilizer to increase agriculture product
8. The wrong effort to prevent biodiversity is...
a. Protection of nature and forest
b. The building animal protection gardens
c. The replacement of traditional plants seed by superior varieties
d. Forest cutting method by TPI
9. Nature preservation which is done in the habitat of animals or plants is called..... preservation
a. Ex situ
b. Forest reserve
c. Natural reserve
d. In situ
10. The plant protected by Indonesian goverment because it is include it to a rare plant is...
a. Rose flower
b. Grass
c. Orchid flower
d. Rafflesia flower
11. The effort to prevent the extenction biosiversity resources in Indonesia is done the enlarge ment as follows, except...
a. Enlargement of national garden
b. Decrase of coral ridges enlargement
c. Enlargement natural reserves
d. Enlargement of animal reserves
12. The first botanical garden developed in Indonesia is...
a. Bedugul botanical garden, Bali
b. Cibodas botanical gardens, West Java
c. Bogor botanical gardens, West Java
d. Puspitek botanical garden, Serpong
13. The main purpose in the building or animal protection in Indonesia is..
a. For preservational place
b. For education place
c. For research place
d. For recreational place
14. The kinds of animal that are still alive and breed only in Indonesia are..
a. Cuscuses, cendrawasih bird, and bulls
b. Orangutans, komodo dragons, and cuscuses
c. Komodo dragon, orangutans, and tapirs
d. Komodo dragon, one horned rhinoceroses, and bee
15. The pesticide to pest control muose is..
a. Algacide
b. Rodenticide
c. Nemanticide
d. Insecticide
1. What is tha cause of erosion of germ plasm?
2. Why does the goverment need to protect rare animals and rare plants?
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